While you’re at our hot tub store, you can also pick up charcoal, heat deflector plates, baking items, lights thermometers, grill covers, and other miscellaneous items you might need for your pools or Softubs. Or maybe something from TheraSauna is the right fit for your home– we can guarantee that no other infrared sauna you’ll find will be a match for this brand! Sort By: Go Page of 1 1 speed 115V 12A 48Fr Soft Tub Motor, not available 5.6' diameter for Softub pump AIR COOLED MOTOR AGL10FL1NB.

We also have tubs from the MAAX Spas and California Cooperage Hot Tubs line, which are especially good for those interested in trying the very effective and relaxing practice of hydrotherapy. SOFTUB SPA PUMP REPLACEMENTS Replacement pumps, pump motors, and pump parts for pumps as used in Softub models with heater coil systems. These special tubs are energy- and heat-efficient, quiet, and come with a top-quality water purification system (not to mention that its steel sub-structure is protected by a lifetime guarantee). Power requirements A Softub can be plugged into any 110-volt outlet without any additional wiring needed. If keeping costs down is a priority for you, a Softub could be the way to go. Looking for a Softub hot tub in the Santa Rosa, CA area? Come to A Hot Tub Place today! Choose from only the best brands of soft tubs – for example, picking out a tub from the Softub line means you’ll have a comfortable, portable, and energy-efficient tub with targeted and pulsating jets. Softubs are quite a bit more efficient than hot tubs, as they boast that they can maintain your desired temperature while only costing you about 15 more per month. The Best Brands of Soft Tubs Available at A Hot Tub Place